Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Pact by Yong K.

Together we made a pact
Helping each other succeed
Enjoying our lives

Peter became a doctor
Adrian a technician
Conclude me, I became a doctor
Together our pact has been accomplished.


Anonymous said...

I liked the poem and theme. I thought it had a good overall theme, but I would have liked to know who "they" and "we" were, and if they symbolized something. The second stanza seemed a little choppy. "Conclude me, I became a doctor..." doesnt sound all that great in a poem. "Together our pact has been accomplished," was a nice ending verse, however.

Anonymous said...

I really liked your poem because it was different than other poems. I like the fact that it was an acrostic poem. I like your word choice and when I read the poem, I imagined that it is like a group of friends who grew up together. Then when they got old, they became what they wanted to be. After reading this poem, I felt content about the poem because of your ending, “Together our pact has been accomplished.” I really liked your poem!

Anonymous said...

This poem makes you ponder who is making the pact. Is it siblings? Friends? Or is it a colony, like the mayflower compact for example? I like how your bold, and did one of only few people if any that did a acrostic poem. Was the pact to all get jobs? Because that is all that was accomplished that they became docters, and a technician. The beggining and ending sentences were you two best lines because they strongly opened the poem, and closed it. But good story!